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ITS Music Group is the home of many different music and video projects.

Having been lucky enough over the years to spend time with some amazing friends and great musicians, I was saddened to think that many of the projects that I had been involved with had been forgotten or were just hard to find, sat on many different media platforms, possibly never to be seen or heard again.

Sat one evening with a glass of wine, I had the thought that all this work should be once again readily available, and easily accessible in one central place.

Sifting through the archives of my own recording studio “chez nous” I began the arduous task of compiling and detailing all the content you will find here.

This labour of love was born out of the passion and love I have for what I do, the gratitude and thanks for the gift given to me which allows me to be a musician, and of course the unquestionable love and support of family, friends, other musicians, and likeminded individuals along the way.

Please raise a glass to everyone who made all this possible and enjoy ITS

Barrie Taylor

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